Sustainability Manager at WICM and TriWiCon

A Sustainability Manager responsible for the strategic and operative management of company sustainability matters took up his duties at WICM at the beginning of 2024.

Robert Frowein, who has been in the position since 1st January 2024, was previously Project Manager and Logistics Manager in the event venues Kurhaus Wiesbaden and the RheinMain CongressCenter and is very familiar with the company business processes. 

All of the topics that were previously organised in separate areas or through the Sustainability Task Force set up in the company 2 years ago are now integrated and managed in the Sustainability Management Department. Activities are bundled here, employees and customers advised and measures that were defined in the new WICM sustainability strategy coordinated. The Sustainability Manager plays a key role in advising business clients on the ´organisation of sustainable events´. The sustainable offer for customers and qualified advice from WICM are an important competitive advantage in the market.

"Acting sustainably is gaining traction in the awareness of every individual and how they act. I am delighted to be able to strengthen this way of acting integrally in the company in my new role as Sustainability Manager. Together with all of the staff, we want to live up to our corporate responsibility and find ways together to a sustainable future."

Robert Frowein


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